Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What Mr.Z said!!

Do you Agree?? or Do You Agree ??

Mr. Z, my band teacher, from my middle school, says that he knows a guy who works in a recording studio. He saw these guys, y'know, the All American Rejects, record their songs! Isn't this amazing? Here's the conflict:

He said this guy said they sucked! He said this guy also said that they were the worst sounding band ever! Leave your comments in the poll telling me what you think about this! Do you believe Mr. Z? I don't know how they sound in real life, I know they CDs are edited, but how come if they suck SO bad, why are they this far, with thousands and thousands of fans? I don't know, I don't think you know either!!

This is Live the video above ( ^ ) Do you really think they suck? Didn't think so!!

This is Live the video above ( ^ ) They dont suck! Add comment and vote!! (Move Along LIVE)

HAHA!! YAY!!!!!


  1. Hey I think he's kewl. I'm not inlove with him, but he does hit those highs real well.

  2. Yeah, I do not agree with Mr.Z. He is so not right! I mean, the AAR rock the house! I love Fallin Apart and my Paper Heart. They're like everyone's favorite songs! I love it! He's wrong, those live songs they performed rock! What is wrong with your teacher?


Do you want to comment on Tyson Ritter and his awesomeness? And hotness?? Please talk all about him and what you think! :D