Saturday, February 21, 2009

Holly and the Rejects

Holly is my friend. Her last name I will not say because I do not want her to be raped. Well....she LIKES the All American Rejects! Can we get her to LOVE them? Here's the Q&A Interview with Holly so we can get her to be insane over AAR!!!
Q&A With Holly:
Me: Do you think Tyson Ritter is hot stuff?
Holly: Not really.
Me: Is AAR music good?
Holly: Yes.
Me: What is your favorite song by them?
Holly: The only one I actually listen to is Gives you Hell.
Me: What do you like about Gives you Hell?
Holly: Umm...*giggles*...I don't know...really...
Me: Like, is it a hip beat?
Holly: Hip beat? Umm....I don't know.
Me: Is it your kind of music style?
Holly: I've never listened to that music before this.
Me: Do you know Tyson Ritter personally?
Holly: No! *giggles*
Me: Haha! Just kidding, I know (TV talks about lesbians in background)
Holly: I hate the video to the song. (gives you hell) on youtube!
Me: Are the AAR inspirational to you?
Holly: How would they be insp-in-uh-inspirational to me?
Me: Do they inspire you to write music?
Holly: No.
Me: Do you love the All American Rejects?
Holly: I love the song....*raises eyebrows*
Me: Do you like my blog?
Holly: What do you mean the blog...what?
Me: You're making yourself look like an idiot on the web!
Holly: I am an idiot, I know that!!
Me: Well, this is a blog, it is my space..but not my space. Do you like my homepage?
Holly: Yes.
Me: Do you visit regularly?
Holly: No.
Me: Do you love the All American Rejects now, their songs?
Holly: Yes!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What Mr.Z said!!

Do you Agree?? or Do You Agree ??

Mr. Z, my band teacher, from my middle school, says that he knows a guy who works in a recording studio. He saw these guys, y'know, the All American Rejects, record their songs! Isn't this amazing? Here's the conflict:

He said this guy said they sucked! He said this guy also said that they were the worst sounding band ever! Leave your comments in the poll telling me what you think about this! Do you believe Mr. Z? I don't know how they sound in real life, I know they CDs are edited, but how come if they suck SO bad, why are they this far, with thousands and thousands of fans? I don't know, I don't think you know either!!

This is Live the video above ( ^ ) Do you really think they suck? Didn't think so!!

This is Live the video above ( ^ ) They dont suck! Add comment and vote!! (Move Along LIVE)

HAHA!! YAY!!!!!

Why do I love Tyson Ritter??

I have many explanations as to why I am inlove with this man right below this mini paragraph!!

Boys and Girls...Ladies and Gentlemen...look at this face!! ---------->

My question to you can you not like him?? He is so hot! And if you agree with me, I have something to say....I love you!! Isn't he amazing looking? If you love Tyson Ritter too, please comment. And if you don't like him, say it to my face!! Because I love him! Oh, and I got an awesome picture of him topless, check this out!:

Sorry the quality sucks, but can you see his

man pecks? Yes!

Cause I can..... :D

Top ten Reason why people like Tyson Ritter:

  1. He's hot
  2. Awesome Body
  3. Sweet Man Pecks
  4. Awesome Hair
  5. Great sense of humor
  6. Great Smile
  7. Sweet Voice
  8. Probably Great Kisser!
  9. Rocks Guitar...I think...haha
  10. No one can ever replace him...irreplacable...:D

Oh and people! That guy from Threes Company, John not his father! Understood? They are not even related! Let it go! Give up your dream! Tyson Ritter is the hottest Ritter on the planet!! Understood? Thanks!!

Check out my next blog! What my band

teacher, Mr.Z said about Tyson Ritter and the

All American Rejects! You'll see! Vote if you agree on what he

says! Please comment!

TYSON TIME!!!!!!!!!

When I die, I want him next to me...... I seriously do. I mean, the majority of people want to rest in peace, but me??....HELL NO!! I want HIM.I want HIM. HAHAHAHAH! XD lol.